@Simon: the big corporations do pay massive amounts of taxes for income, employment, social security and property taxes.
The notion that Amazon isn’t paying any taxes is a completely false narrative. They obviously will use whatever tax rules are in place to move money around, and no tax rule can change that, because those rules must exist for there to be a functioning economy.
And the more taxes are levied the less taxes are going to get paid. In Europe even small businesses <$20M revenue invest in accountants to avoid the heaps of taxes, because it can save them a few million, which isn’t a practice you see in the US until you get to about $200+M in revenue because it just isn’t worth it.
France levied a wealth tax and revenue plummeted so badly they went into a depression, the Obama era tax increases, once they came fully into effect (off course, by then Obama was almost out of office), total revenues stayed roughly the same, revenue from corporations dropped while the revenue from payroll and individuals increased enormously. So raise taxes just means people move money out of your country. Nowadays it’s not even a country, cryptocurrency allows you to extract money and it will be forever untraceable.